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Just Gorgeous

Whenever someone asks me how Addison is doing I answer with "she is just gorgeous!"
I think you may agree.

It is hard to capture the true color of Addy's eyes in pictures. John considers them hazel but to me the are just a gorgeous green.


Going Out

On Friday we picked up Auntie Rie-Rie from the airport and Dada from work and ...

We cannot keep this child in pants for very long. Soooo tall!

went out to lunch.

Addy picked up the tab for us

Yeah! Auntie Rie-Rie is here!


Ride A Horsey....

Ride A Zebra

Brownie Pony


What Does A Monkey Baby Eat?


I Say Mama You Say...


I say mamamamama you say dada! I say bobble you say dada! I say yummies you say dada!
What happened to the mama? Where did it go? No love for the mamamama and to that I say pfffffft ( and you say dada!)


Happy New Year Everyone!