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Today's theme is...

The Mouth

Addison spent a good portion of today practicing her squeals, screeches, and giggles...oh my!
She hit notes so high only dogs could hear her. Every once in a while you would hear a whimper from one of the dogs in the other room. She has figured out how to grab a hold of her pacifier and pull it out of her mouth and she tries really hard to get it back in but she is not quite coordinated enough yet. She became fascinated with my mouth today too. I was singing her to sleep this afternoon and she kept grabbing my lip and sticking her fingers in my mouth. I have a feeling she was trying to get me to shut won't see me on American Idol anytime soon!

When Daddy got home Addy practiced her super hero moves.

It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's...

Super Pooper!
Smellier than a gassy dog, able to clear a room in a single grunt
Super Pooper to the rescue!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun way to start my day! I was laughing out loud before I finished reading. :) v