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Urgent Care

Addy looked like this when she got up (just add a little pink puffiness). The night before she had poked herself in the eye with the lid of a jar candle that has a little knob on the top. She was fine when she went to bed but when she woke up..not so fine. She couldn't open her eye and she had tears gushing down her face, so away to urgent care we went.

The doctor numbed her eye so she could open it then put some orange dye on her eyeball so that the injury would show up under a black light. It was a pretty neat technique and Addy was temporarily pacified by the pretty purple light. The doctor said the injury was pretty minor and she would be good as new in a couple of days.

Even though Addy was in a lot of pain she was very good in the doctors office. As soon as she saw the stethoscope she moved her stuffed animal out of the way so they could listen to her lungs/heart. When she say the thermometer she lifted her arm up before being asked so the nurse could take her temperature. She didn't even protest too loudly when the doctor was checking her eye. On the way out Addy thanked me for taking her to the doctor which the nurses found very amusing.

For the rest of the morning Addy let out a little howl of pain every few minutes for hours until she exhausted herself to the point she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Poor baby.

Addy looks better but definitely not healed and she doesn't seem to be in any pain today which is a big improvement.


Elisa said...

Poor Addy-baby. And poor momma, waking up to that yesterday. Glad she's feeling better (and very cute dress, BTW)

Anonymous said...

I hope Addy feels like her old self soon

Anonymous said...

Poor baby; talk about being brave at the doc's office. I hope she feels better soon! :) Aunt Vickie