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11 Months Old!

Addy is 11 months old today and she is soooo big. I remember when she fit on John's chest and now she is longer then his torso. Addy is cutting four more teeth on the top, we should see them any day now. I thought that cutting four at once would be a one time thing, silly me.

Addy is a crawling fool now. She does laps around the living room. Today she discovered the VCR and DVD players so I should be fishing toys out of those soon.

I swear I only had two bobbles Occifer!

We had our first snow storm of the season this morning. It didn't stick but it was pretty while it lasted.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

You get snow, we get fires. It's just not fair. And it's only October; think you'll have a wet year this time around?