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Birthday Countdown Day 5

Counting down to her First Birthday!

Addy had a big day today. She took her first steps on her own (holding onto the couch) and she did her first impression/immitation! Very exciting!

I had Addy on the changing table and the dogs were patiently waiting at her door, panting away as if something exciting was happening in there. Addy turned her head to listen to them and then started making panting noises herself! It was hilarious! For an hour every time I asked her what sound a doggie makes she would pant. I had way too much fun with it and she didn't want to demonstrate for daddy when he got home.

Addy was standing up against the ottoman in the family room tonight and she decided she needed the remote, like she often does (she is an accomplished 'mote thief), she took several steps over to the couch while holding on with one hand and grabbed up the remote! Yeah Addy!

Thanks for keeping us company today Auntie Tanya

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Happy Birthday, Colton!

So, Addy couldn't wait just a few more days so Grandma could claim to have taught her to walk? Hmmm, going to have to think up a new trick to teach her. Maybe banging on drums?